
作为一个商业领袖, you might be hesitant to make a change with 你’re doing with IT because you don’t have the technical background needed to compare different managed IT service companies. 如果您的目标是扩大您的内部IT团队, there will certainly be some technical questions that your IT manager will want answered. 然而, 无论您是在寻找共同管理还是完全外包的解决方案, 你, 作为一名高管, 真正需要确定的是:

  • 提供商的托管服务模型适合您吗?
  • 他们能兑现承诺吗?

当你收集的信息将回答这两个问题, you’ll be able to paint a picture of what it will be like to work with them and build expectations for the results you can expect.


Use the following questions as conversation starters to evaluate your short-list of Managed Service Providers (MSPs):

1. 你能描述一下你管理IT服务的方法吗?

每个MSP都有其独特的服务交付方式. What you’re looking for here is a combination of proactive and reactive services. The overall goal of services should be to enable your people with technology and support your business goals by moving along a path of technology improvement.

在主动方面, the MSP should be guiding you along a path of IT improvement that will prevent problems and build a solid IT foundation on which you can leverage technology. 响应式服务响应影响单个用户的即时问题, 一个部门或整个组织.

2. 你们有必要的人员来提供服务吗?

它需要许多不同的角色来提供全面的服务. Ask the provider to talk you through the roles that are engaged with proactive and reactive services. You should expect to have IT support specialists and escalation engineers on the reactive side. 在主动方面, 您应该看到诸如网络架构师之类的角色, 安全工程师, 项目工程师, 企业工程师, 以及账户管理的角色, 资讯科技谘询及采购.

3. 当我们需要你的时候,你能多快做出反应?

每个MSP都应该有一个用于响应时间的服务水平协议(SLA), 但他们可能并不都这样称呼它. Ask how long will it take for a user to get a response when they submit a ticket to the help desk? If the issue can’t be resolved immediately, what’s the follow up procedure look like? 如果出现部门或系统范围的故障会发生什么? Build your expectations by presenting different scenarios that could trigger the need for a quick response.

4. 你们将如何帮助我们管理网络风险?

当你评估MSP的澳门赌场网址大全服务时, keep in mind the fact that no one can 100% guarantee that you’ll never have a cyber intruder. 另外, cybersecurity includes both technical and non-technical components so managing risks will be very much a collaboration. While the conversation may include mention of some of the security tactics that the MSP utilizes, 你’re listening for is how they’ll work with you to develop a cybersecurity strategy that meets your unique risk profile and tolerance.

相关: 超越基础的澳门赌场网址大全:什么是零信任?

5. 这要花多少钱?

Part of the benefit of utilizing managed IT services is having a predictable monthly rate but you could be surprised if you don’t understand exactly what’s included in the recurring fee. 当你在挖掘包含哪些内容和不包含哪些内容时, 你可以问的问题有:有没有按小时计费的东西? 是否包括现场支持?? 3级和4级升级支持是额外的吗? 这包括我们的服务器和云服务的管理吗? 是否需要额外的安保费用?

6. 合同期限是什么?

当你在研究MSP的合同时, 确保协议与你们关于成本的讨论一致. 你也想知道你将被锁定的时间长度, 如果这段关系不能继续下去,会有哪些条款. 如果看起来你可能会被锁定在一份长期合同中, be wary that responsiveness may slip after you get past the honeymoon period.

7. 有什么我们需要马上花钱的东西吗?

这取决于你的IT系统的状况, it’s very possible that you’ll need to make some improvements that will make your technology supportable. 这可能是更新不支持的软件和许可, 或者它可以取代老化的电脑或网络设备.

Keep in mind that the overall goal of managed services isn’t to maintain the status quo but to improve. 即使您的IT环境是可支持的, expect recommendations at around the 90-day mark to get you started on a path of IT improvement.

8. 你有行业证书吗?

If you’re looking for badges and certifications that verify the MSP has the capabilities that they’re describing, 询问他们是否有第三方对他们的能力进行验证. You can also look for things like Microsoft Partner status or other vendor specific certifications.

确保你询问了他们的员工持有的证书. If these are numerous it’s not just a sign of expertise but that the company supports the professional development of their staff.

9. 会有人专门关注我的账户吗?

You’re going to have the best experience with outsourced IT services when there’s a lot of communication between your company and theirs. Ask if there will be a main point of contact who will be the go-to resource for questions and status reports? What you’re looking for is an account manager who will be your main point of contact and conduit of information. 另外, is the MSP going to provide the services of a Virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO) who will get to know your business and work with you to create IT strategy?

相关: Meet Michele and get a picture of what account management looks like at Bellwether

10. 我们未来的关系会是什么样子?

当您转向托管IT服务时, you’re moving away from the mindset that you only need IT when something’s broken. An ongoing relationship includes continuous improvement of your IT systems and ultimately digital transformation – that is, the ability to leverage technology to improve your organization and create a competitive advantage. 这意味着你的成功就是他们的成功,对每个人来说都是胜利.


When it comes time to make your decision about which managed IT services provider you’ll work with, you’ll have a lot of information to review if you’ve gone through all of these ten questions. At the end of your analysis, you should have the confidence to move forward with one of them. 如果没有,那就继续找.

相关: 获取托管IT服务指南


这里是风向标, we support New Orleans companies with managed IT services that enable them to meet modern business challenges. If you’re tired of IT that holds you back, it’s time for something different.

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